The lake

Orchids of wet places are easy to cultivate, however the creation of an adequate biotope may be a little difficult. Small lakes can be created easily with the special foil which can be fixed with bricks as depicted in the scetch. An ideal lake should have three or more depth zones, a deep zone of 1-1.5 meters for water-lilies, an intermediate zone for reed and a flat zone which extends into a swamp or wet meadow. Orchids can grow easily in this zone, some like Orchis palustris need a dry summer rest and should be placed further away from the lake, others like many Dactylorhizas can tolerate wet feet. When you fill up the lake bottom with earth, take earth with lime, but not with many nutritive substances or the vegetation and especially the algae growth may soon get out of control. Apply the plants and fill the lake slowly with water.