The forest

You won't need to move much earth to create a place for forest orchids, but you will have to provide shadow. Plant bushes or small trees which can cast their shadow over the bed, especially in the mid-day heat. Hazelnuts are ideal since they don't grow too fast and their big leaves grant shadow and mould. Futhermore, you can try to grow interesting parasites like Lathrea squamaria on Hazel. You can try wild roses, elder or whitethorn, too. But be warned that these plants can grow very fast.

Cover the ground with a layer of beech leaves to keep it from drying out. The ground itself should be a mineralic soil with not too many nutritive substances in it. For many orchids, it may be a good idea to enrich the upper regions with broken limestone. Creeping plants like ivy or Asarum can help to cover the ground and keep it moist.