E: Greater Butterfly Orchid
F: Platanthere verdatre
G: Gruenliche Waldhyazinthe

P. chlorantha is very closely related to P. bifolia. It grows on similar places, sometimes together with P. bifolia and can be cultivated like it.

The plant can be bigger than P. bifolia and the blossoms are more green-white. The only reliable feature, however, are the stamens which are parallel (||) in the blossom of P. bifolia and inclined together (/\) in P. chlorantha.

There are more species in north America and Asia. In the northeast USA, three beautiful Plantanthera species can be found: P. ciliaris with orange, fringy blossoms, P. grandiflora with big, pink blossoms and P. blephariglottis with white, fringy blossoms. All three species prefer wet places and can be easily cultivated in a bed with peat and Sphagnum.