The development of the ninth part of the series took several years and was full of setbacks. First attempts to create another action game in the Pagan style have been trashed as well as the plans to let the Avatar travel to the homeland of the Guardian. When Electronic Arts decided that Ultima 9 will use a 3D engine in the "Tombraider" style, the programming team had to rewrite the story once more since the party concept was difficult to implement with this engine. Ultima 9 was the unwanted bastard child of Electronic Arts, the management was interested mostly in profitable Online games and they set up a deadline for Lord British within the program must be released or it would not be released at all. This lead to a rushed release of the american version which was full of bugs and disappointed many fans, although Origin created several bugfix patches. The versions for other languages which appeared several months later are a little better, but still buggy. It was obvious that Lord British would have needed several months more, he was also forced to cancel large parts of the conversations and almost all NPC scheduling.