About education
Well, perhaps I am an ungrateful fool, but I am very disappointed with the
education which I have found in the universities. I enjoyed learning in the
school (with a few exceptions, of course), but when I went to the college, I
got very soon frustrated with the education that I found here:
- No motivation! The college has been one of the most bureaucratic, demotivated places that I have ever seen. Many professors consider teaching the
least of the least of all possible works. You get the feeling to be nothing
more than a piece of dirt very soon. Motivated profs are few and rare between,
why should they develop motivation if they will receive their cash in every case
and even more cash for the far,far more important research? In turn, this
leads to a form of demotivation from the students. Some develop steel elbows
and survive, others will leave forever...
- No creativity! Gerd Binnig, the inventor of the tunnel electron
microscope has told in his book about creativity, that the college has been the
most un-creative place in his life, apart from the army. To be successful, you
will have to recite the professor the most time, the most people will lose any
creativity here because they have few opportunities to learn it.
- No interdisciplinarity! The lack of interdisciplinarity has been
mentioned by Binnig, too. Many of the profs are egocentric individuals who
have never learned to work together with others, who consider their own job
the most important of all and refuse to accept any hints from guys who a)
don't have studied the same or b) have a lower rank than themselves. But
these who are able to work together with others, can move mountains. See
one of my favorite books, "Goedel,Escher,Bach" from D.Hofstadter for more
about interdisciplinar thinking.
- No solidarity! Usually, the students who don't develop steel
elbows, do suffer from severe depressions. Kindness is considered as
weakness and the common reward for giving clues to a fellow student is
usually a kick in the ass. These students will become the next assistents
and profs and they may gain many useful tips through their students. In
return they will deliver the most awful lessons of the world.
- No personality! What do you expect from a prof who has to teach
1000 or more students? Here you will feel like a number - exactly what you are.
- No freedom! The most powerful force in the science is the freedom
to browse through books of your own choice! Good books are remembered and
recommended, bad books are trashed and forgotten. In the universities, this
quality control disappears. You will have to learn pre-digested stuff from
one or two books of the choice of your prof (Even if he recommends more books,
don't worry. The final test -a painful unnecessary procedure- will be only
about the first one or two books, sometimes the books are from the prof
himself - who would dare to criticise his choice).
- No time! Sometimes I do think the only purpose of this "education"
is to keep the students busy, so they won't think too much about the REAL
important things. Especially near the tests, time is a rare stuff. This may
be the reason why the college libraries do not contain any trivial books.
You are here to work, not to waste your time! And if you are too old, the
industry won't find any use for you, so hurry up...
The flame of motivation. Sometimes a dying spark. Sometimes a raging fire. It has the power to change the world! Feed it well...
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