I would understand nature protection wrong, she said. I will have to make sure that the plants remain in gardens, she said. I should sell excess plants to my neighbors, she said. They would always have to deal with people who apply the wrong seeds or plants from the wrong places. She was still polite, and I felt to begin guilty. What would I have to do with my plants now?

I was nervous and disoriented, and even she was able to notice it and showed a brief glimpse of emotions, when I was about to leave. In this job, you will be used to setbacks, she said, nevertheless you will have to protest. She offered me to take me to a few nature biotopes. When I asked her about a job in the nature protection, she told me that many people are trying to saw on her chair. It was a few days later when I found out the real reason WHY people are sawing on her chair. For this day, I left and tried to find again a solution which would please everybody. I was still seeing things through pink glasses and a few days later, I called her and submitted my new ideas to her.

"Now see here, guy" said the voice on the loud hailer, "you're not dealing with any dumb two-bit trigger-pumping morons with low hairlines, little piggy eyes and no conversation, we're a couple of intelligent caring guys that you'd probably like if you met us socially!"

Douglas Adams, "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"