She said that I have indeed two souls in my chest, this proved again that she has not even understood my mission. It's only one, I am hundred percent preserver of rare species and the preservation and creation of biotopes is merely a tool. Obviously, the radical nature protection has a different view of things: They protect only biotopes with bureaucratic force and attack all humans who love the nature and want to see or use it. They are a technology-hostile, self-centered lot who would sacrifice rare species only for egoistic research purposes. The master gardener of my college told me a story of a similar graduated idiot who declared the campus a "nature meadow", never to be mowed again. Our prof stomped her into the ground when he heard that, a meadow which is not mowed will become forest soon, but if anybody else would have said that, the tremendous egos of these persons would have prevented them from even listening. Plant succession is the holy cow for these guys, and I have unintentionally broken a taboo.

"Nature protection is no species protection.", she said to me.

"The frightening thing about the Vogons was their absolute mindless determination to do whatever mindless thing it was they were determined to do. There was never any point in trying to appeal to their reason because they didn't have any."

Douglas Adams, "Mostly harmless"