Seems that I have lost my ability to be happy. I admire these persons who do still have it like a certain Apple II personality who enjoys to annoy certain arrogant idiots to the death. Or the hybrid gardener who has lost all relations with species preservation. He cross-breeds now orchids from Antarctica with orchids from the moon, legally and just for the love of it.

The worst trait of these arrogant assholes is that they cause other people to do evil things. Two fingers to the lot of them.

Perhaps I can return later to species preservation in the next years. But first, I will have to get away from my caring but unsupportive family which I've learned to love and hate in the last years. Only a single person or an united group can accomplish something. Otherwise you will wither like a seed which tries to germinate in the shade of the mother tree.

There are more hints which I can give to people who want to do something useful for endangered species...

"Fear is strange soil. Mainly it grows obedience like corn, which grows in rows and makes weeding easy. But sometimes it grows the potatoes of defiance, which flourish underground."

Terry Pratchett, "Small gods"