The stress of the graduation and the following time of poverty and unemployment did the rest. Finally, I made the sad decision to give away my plants and to try to move away. Sooner or later all creative sourcerers retreat into their own worlds, but I will still have to find mine.

I've finally concluded that according to the first Dilbertean law, almost all humans are dumb and egoistic, unable to think global and always concerned only about their own insignificant ego. And the worst of them are these Vogons in the upper management, real mindlessly determined assholes who don't even have scruples to scare and personally insult people only to reach their own selfish goals. I wanted to make it all legally, but this is perverted law par excellence.

The endangered plants and the Apple II are a little similar, both are attacked by the former management, which has become greedy and corrupt, because there is not much money in both. But both are simply beautiful and it would be a pity if they vanish.

"All of that had come when some of the original team had started to settle down and get greedy, while he and others had stayed out in the field, researching and hitch hiking, and gradually becoming more and more isolated from the corporate nightmare the Guide had inexorably turned into, and the architectural monstrosity it had come to occupy. Where were the dreams in that?"

Douglas Adams, "Mostly harmless"