Orchis palustris in the garden of the author, one of the rarest orchids in Europe which continues to grow only on one (!) place in south Germany.

Mother plants given away due to excessive flaming from all sides.

Precious to whom? And why?
Does it actualy matter very much to anyone other than a bunch of obsessed naturalists that the eight bottle palm trees on Round Island are the only ones to be found in the wild anywhere in the world? Or that the Hyophorbe amaricaulis (a palm tree so rare that it doesn't have any name other than its scientific one) standing in the Curepipe Botanic Gardens in Mauritius is the only one of its kind in existence? (The tree was only discovered by chance while the ground on which it stands was being cleared in order to construct the botanic gardens. It was about to cut down.)

Douglas Adams, "Last chance to see..."