I have been such an idiot because I have not realized earlier that I was not really wanted in the garden, just tolerated, and later they literally pulled away the floor under my legs while I was busy reaching for the stars.

I brought them the rarest plants of the world and they thought I would take something away from them. They soon developed their own dreams, dreams of swimming-pools and cheap decoration plants for 99 cents which can be torn out and thrown away when they are not needed anymore. Suddenly, I found myself in heavy territorial battles for every centimeter, even the turf which they didn't need. It was a hard lesson that they have never been interested in the orchids themselves.

I have read a funny book by Terry Pratchett about that wonderful form of creative magic which he called sourcery. I have never understood it until I have lived it. The only thing that creative sourcery will accomplish is the All-out! Thaumaturgical! War! Later, things will return to their original state. Sourcerers never become part of the world. They merely wear it for a while.

"Sourcerer, n. (mythical). A proto-wizard, a doorway through which new majik may enterr the world, a wizard not limited by the physical capabilities of hys own bodie, not by Destinie, not by Deathe. It is written that there once werre sourcerers in the youth of the world but not may there by nowe and blessed be, for sourcery is not for menne and the return of sourcery would mean the Ende of the Worlde... If the Creator hadd meant menne to be as goddes, he ould have given them wings."

Terry Pratchett, "Sourcery"