Luckily, we have had a biology library and a beautiful college garden with rare plants which I visited frequently for recreation purposes. Here the wish to do some active work for species preservation arose.

The garden of my family was destroyed in these years due to a construction site. I wanted to use my newfound knowledge to transform the place to a paradise, a place which would please my family and allow to do something useful for species protection. I knew that due to my weak position, this project was not possible without the help of my family.

Finally, I got green light and I mobilized all strength and enthusiasm to convert the wasteland to an enchanted garden. I changed the old goldfish pond to a small lake with orchids, built a stone wall with dry hill beds, made an artificial swamp and created a large lawn for the family. I wanted to integrate everything, creativity was plentiful in these days, but things went completely wrong.

"Legend had it that Maligree, one of the last of the true sourcerers, created the garden as a small, timeless private self-locking universe where he could have a quiet smoke and a bit of think while avoiding the cares of the world. Which was itself a puzzle, because no wizard could possibly understand how any being as powerful as a sourcerer could have a care in the world. Whatever the reason, Maligree retreated further and further into a world of his own and then, one day, closed the entrance after him."

Terry Pratchett, "Sourcery"