E: Broad-leaved Marsh Orchid
F: Orchis a larges feuilles
G: Breitblaettriges Knabenkraut

This is a common orchid of the moist and wet meadows. Usually, it blooms in May with many beautiful purple or reddish blossoms. The leaves have many black dots.

D. majalis can be found almost everywhere in Europe. It is also one of the most variable species.

Besides the typical subspecies majalis, there are ssp. cordigera (southeast Europe), ssp. occidentalis (British isles), ssp. pardalina (Netherlands) and more. It's a real chameleon species.

It can be cultivated very easily in a moist bed, preferably near the edge of a pond. It likes lime, but it is very tolerant and can be found on neutral or slightly acidic soil, too.

On suitable places, prolific seed germinations can be awaited.