About the future of democracy...

The eleventh September was a tragic day which will be remembered by many U.S. citizens and by many other people in the whole world.

Two hijacked airplanes steered by suicidal fanatics crashed into the World Trade Center, New York and another one crashed into the Pentagon, Washington D.C.

It was a terrible catastrophe which has cost thousands of lives. Almost every nation in the world, including Russia and most islamic countries condemn this cowardly deed.

The U.S. people are suffering and many countries are collecting money to ease the pain of the injured people a little. Certainly this is a good deed. But there are also evil forces awakened by the blast...

It makes me sick to see President Bush waving the American flag and trying to turn the tears of grief into tears of hate. It worries me to see that the act of a few insane terrorist gangs may cause a war in the Middle East. And the greatest fear of all is that this slap into the face of all US politicians may endanger the democratic rights themselves!

Instead of making precautions to avoid further hijacking of civil aircrafts, they discuss about enforcing the secret services and reducing the democratic rights. Click here to review a very interesting article. They even speak about using "unappetizing methods" again, including even the elimination of unpleasant persons and the use of informants who don't care too much about human rights.

The 11.September was a tragic day and the responsible persons should be hunted and prosecuted. But fighting evil with even more evil is a bad thing and unnecessary. If the secret services don't care too much about human rights it is bad enough, but they should not try to make this LEGAL.

Cartoon from the MAD magazine from the time of the gulf war

Every U.S. citizen and also everybody else in the world should not even -think- about such an option. If I have to choose between safety and freedom, I would prefer living with the fear of getting bombed away in North Ireland or somewhere else. These are the deeds of evil individuals but only the politicians can do evil deeds on a big scale.

I believe the right way is appealing to the humanity of the big number of -good- people. The islamic nations are no countries of inhumane terrorists and crusaders and I am sure that most of them will help to expose such persons if the West tries to understand their different way of life.

The U.S. citizens have to learn that society has become more complex and there are no more simple solutions by flag-swinging politicians with an oversized ego. For each complex problem there exists one solution which is simple, neat, efficient and - wrong!

Ultima VI, a fantastic computer game about social acceptance

Final thoughts...

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