Silver Seed box cover
Serpent Isle title page

Serpent Isle Add-On - The Silver Seed

Like the Black Gate, Serpent Isle was designed to be extended with a seperate Add-On. Here it is called the Silver Seed and it gives you the opportunity to get some experience and magic items, although nothing as destructive as the black sword of Ultima 7. With the Add-On installed, the Xenkan monks will hand you an amulet which can be used to teleport into and out of the extra scenario, although this can be done only once per week of game time.

Serpents Fang, the great Keep of Order!
Great commander Isstanar. Becoming a cyborg for the glory of order?

While Serpent Isle plays in a time where the ancient Ophidian culture has long been destroyed by a civil war, the Silver Seed allows you to make a time travel to a more active period of the war. You will travel through a castle and several adjacent dungeons and meet some absolutely crazy guys on the way. The object of this scenario is to find the Silver Seed and plant a new tree of balance. This will help to heal the war-torn land although you will never learn in which way it does help.

Sub-commander Tsandar and Shal "the Fiend".
Greater extremes cannot be imagined.

Recommended Version:
Serpent Isle is a PC only game with the option of installing an Add-On scenario, called the Silver Seed. The PC versions of Ultima 7+8 use a crazy memory management system, thus they are hard to install under Windows. There are patches for Win9x as well as a complete remake of the Ultima 7 engine, called Exult. This engine runs smoothly under newer Windows versions and allows to install some fan-made mods and bugfixes, too.

The moving maze is one of the hardest parts in the game.
Yurel, the Chaos "monster". Do mutants have feelings, too?

  • Party with 1 created character and up to 7 NPCs.
  • 68 different magic spells
  • Introduction of spell scrolls
  • Dungeons/Outdoors/Buildings 2D
  • On-Screen-mapping: No

Three witches in the service of the Guardian work against you.
But finally you will be able to plant the Silver Seed.

Serpent Isle leads the player into a world which has been devastated by a civil war and tries to explain the reasons for it. The old inhabitants of the Isle believed in two forces, the forces of Order represented by Logic, Discipline and Ethicality and the forces of Chaos represented by Emotions, Tolerance and Enthusiasm. As long as there has been Balance between these two forces the Serpent Isle thrived. But when an incident shifted this balance, the Order fraction gained enough power to subdue the chaotic forces until the emotions erupted in a bloody civil war. In the virtual world of Ultima, this event which shifted the balance towards Order has been the intrusion of Exodus. But I believe after the 9.11. our real world is suffering from a similar disease. The security, control & order fraction is already dominating too much, spying at our daily life with cameras, giving out fines for bagatelle delicts like picking common wildflowers or driving without a safety belt, they even would like to reduce us to pure meatballs by storing DNA profiles of everyone. But even if restrained by pure force, Chaos has the unpleasant feature to be released in destructive waves, like volcanic eruptions if it accumulates enough. I am worried about the future. Very worried.

Serpent Isle