The discussion went on and I said that even the wind distribution of orchid seeds would not suffice to bring enough plants to new biotopes because they are so scattered, not even mentioning the plants with seeds which are distributed by other means, like ants. She used a rhetoric trick and said that I have knowledge, but it is "not founded", while she has written a paper about ant seed distribution by herself.

(Much later, I checked the on-line libraries in the college and found no papers under her name. However, the hybrid orchid gardener with his unfounded knowledge has published many of them. Hmm.. There may be still a small chance that I have overlooked it, but one of my favorite book authors, Ephraim Kishon claims that a link to nonexistent literature in conjunction with a well-directed personal attack is one of the oldest tricks and he sees it frequently used by modern arts lobbyists. So the people who know something will never have a chance against these people who only pretend to know something. End of comment.)

"If you refer to Rathenau and mean that serious then please read his works first. These have recently been edited and are freely accessible. Here you will find all arguments against your position. Rathenau has had the same discussion, this can be verified with his works."

Applause. Cheers.

The critic sat down, embarassed and all people moved away from him. But I have noticed the impressive trick which I call in honor of the brilliant inventor Professor Brock the "Rathenau-Gambit". It's simple but very effective. It is based on the fact that many people are ashamed when they don't know something or they have not read something. So they will never have a chance against these who pretend to know something.

Ephraim Kishon, "Picasso's sweet revenge"