I mentioned how important it would be that the genetic variety would be improved with seeds from other places. She replied "We are improving the genetic variety, but only with seeds from adjacent (autochtone) biotopes. Others may lead to sterile seeds." (Again, she hit me coldly. I have expected help, not a rhetorical battle. In this moment I got the feeling that I have failed. I bought my plants legally, only to find them unusable because I have forgotten to get a proof of the origin.

I have remembered much later that all plants have a certain quota of sterile or crippled seeds, but in an active plant sociology, they will be extinguished soon. It was a fake argument to hide the real reason. Have you noticed that she said "We", not "You"? Another smart trick, to make nature protection appear the inherited domain of the scientists and bureaucrats. End of Comment.)

I began to tremble and assured that I did not mean to cause the nature biotopes any harm. I have not made a good figure in this discussion so far.

"No, first we have to call it something which says it's ours, not yours, then we set about finding some way of proving it's not what you said it is, but something we say it is."

Douglas Adams, "So long, and thanks for all the fish"