Arethusa bulbosa
Another orchid from the bogs of east Canada. A fragile plant with a big pink blossom which is suited for container culture and probably for garden culture in a Sphagnum bed, too. In Japan grows A. japonica which is not so attractive, because the blossoms remain partially closed.

Barlia robertiana
A mediterranean orchid which looks like a giant Orchis species. It blooms already in January and can't be cultivated outdoors in colder regions. Container culture in a gravel/Sphagnum mix is promising.

Bletilla spec.
B. striata can be found frequently offered in garden shops. This japanese orchid has Gladiolus-like leaves and violet blossoms. It is easy in the garden, but may need a little protection from the frost. Other species are B. yunnanense and B. ochracea.