E: Broad-leaved Helleborine
F: Epipactis a larges feuilles
G: Breitblaettrige Stendelwurz

One of the most common orchids in Europe and Asia which can be found usually in forests with lime or neutral soil.

But this orchid is very adaptable. It can be found in parks, cemeteries and gardens under coniferes. It fact, this orchid is one of the rare species which follows the human settlements and expands continuosly its distribution area.

It can be even found in north America, unintentionally imported by european settlers.

This orchid has a stronger mycorrhiza which allows it to survive in deep shade. In such places it is more green, in bright places, the blossoms become more purple.

The mycorrhiza makes it difficult to transfer living rhizoms to other locations. It can be easily grown from seeds, however. Obviously, the necessary fungus is very widespread.