Intentional, against the will of the victim used mental Violence.
Mass spectacle
"I don't want to say that every spectacle necessarily has the intention or effect to exert gentle force. But mass spectacles tend to switch off rational processes and replace them with emotions. The intellect is neutralized and gone is our protection agains an unlogic or despicable rhetoric.
We are made sensitive for it. The only choice we have may be perhaps to inform ourself about the intentions of the managers of such a spectacle before we visit it.
Like dreams, mental journeys or the act of love, a spectacle grants access to our subconsciousness and shows us the mystic sides of our individual and collective experience. But this access ist also given to the person who has the desire to use our emotion for his own purpose. So we are celebrating on our own risk." (Douglas Rushkoff (re-translated))
Medicine bag
The medicine bag of Indians was a spiritual object which contained objects which were revealed during a vision. The modern equivalent may contain a few useful things: A piece of glucose for emergency situations, a vial of Ethereal oil to neutralize Olfactory Manipulation, a pocket knife, rubbers, poison for the last escape, a piece of cord or sticky tape or a small religious symbol to name a few.
The art to turn off senses and thought or lead them into certain directions. Together with breathing and relaxation exercises it is sometimes used to achieve a state of trance. See also Spirituality, Sharpened sense, Rangers.
Metal detector
Handy device to detect hidden micros in the walls and to discover and remove the sick implanted microchips in living beings. See also Chloroform, Chipping.