Anti-Manipulation manual

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A wonderful tool to ward off acoustic Subliminals, acoustic Advertisements and Background music. In different situations you can choose your individual taste of music. Relaxing sounds like bird songs or flowing water can be played in hectic situations like during shopping or encouraging protest songs can be played when you have to wait endlessly in front of some office doors.

Like Poison are weapons mainly tools and not per definition evil, one has to make a strict difference between the possession and the abuse of them. The best weapons are these which are not used, hidden in a deep cache, but which are always available if one needs them for the purpose of self-defense if military, police and secret service decide to let their muscles play or a civil war erupts. Peace is always better than war, but if only one of the mentioned groups owns a pistol, the balance of power is in danger. There are plenty of examples for massacres of defenseless people in history, the plaza of heavenly peace and the civil war in Yugoslavia are mentioned just as the latest examples.
Finally I want to refer here to one of my favorite stories by the militant pacifist Giovanni Guareschi: Togo - a story about a bull which goes frenzy and some weapons which saved a life. (My opinion of the control-hungry policeman I better keep for myself.)

Wire cutter
Excellent tool to remove the cruel tele-tac necklaces from dogs, see Electro torture. Also good for bell necklaces from cats, since they constantly irritate the animals. Stronger models can also cut wire-mesh fences, barbed wire and the inhumane bladed wire fences which should be forbidden immediately. So this tool allows people to care for things which bother them.

Something which cannot be obtained with subconscious manipulation but with many years of conscious experience.

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