Anti-Manipulation manual

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Safety belt
Formerly a tool for self-protection according to the own common sense, nowadays a tool for rip-offs. See also Death.

Another piece of clothing which should belong into the handbag of every "hitchhiker", even in the summer. It can serve as a makeshift rope, bandage, carrying tool and for disguise.

Second glue
One or more tubes belong in every hitchhiker's bag. Very helpful in many situations, to deactivate locks or other gearwork, to mask a Fingerprint and for makeshift repairs.
Note: The best and most sticky glue is the glue which certain politicians use to glue themself onto their chairs. Unfortunately it is not for public sale.


"The Mafia and all pedophiles in the country together cannot cause more damage than uncontrollable security services, which can subdue a whole nation."

A russian computer expert in "Internet - Brave New World?" by David Rosenthal

Activists which attach stickers or political Graffiti should be watched closely, see also Digital camera. While I don't dislike this way to express opinions and would sue these persons only for minor damage of property, everybody should check that these persons do not also use Tachistoscopy which should be treated as a severe crime. I regret that this may split the movement and make everybody to spy on each other like in the worst time of socialistic East Germany. All only because some extremists which are crazed in their heads think everything which can be done must be done. Not better than policemen which attack peacefully demonstrating seniors with water throwers.

Sharpened Senses
An increased sensitivity for signals from the outside, together with the ability to notice them consciously. Can be trained with concentration practice, Meditation, Ranger practice and more.

Shopping list
When you go shopping in modern times when slimy marketing men try to draw with various subrational tricks more money from your pockets than you want to spend, it is a very good idea to write down what you really need and keep the time in the shop as short as possible.

Food for the e-mail Filter.

A state of inner opening and reflection which is sometimes induced by rites or trance ceremonies. In this state a human is as good as he or she can be. Unfortunately, he also is as influencable as he or she can be. In a rather shameless way this can be observed at certain american preachers, but in general any religious ceremony with more than one participant can be misused. So you should be on your guard during every form of group proclamation, see Sharpened Sense. Full inner opening should be sought in solitude or isolation, see also Rangers and Meditation.

Spray can
Wonderful tool to permanently deactivate Advertisements, discovered optical Subliminals, Video cameras, unfair radar traps and senseless prohibitional signs. I particularly recommend certain sign in nature protection areas of the type "200.000 dollars fine for leaving the paths", "Reintroduction of extinct plants forbidden" and "This nature protection area belongs to US, not you!". Once there was a time when nature protection signs tried to appeal to the reason, but now I can read only in my old books about it.
Hint: Shake the spray can when you buy it, many cans contain steel balls which should keep the color viscous, but they cause metallic sounds which are very bad for the ability to move silently.

A stick or a bicicle airpump shoved in the cycle of a pursuing bicycle makes sure that a chaser stops chasing very soon. Should always be kept at hand. But be aware that you won't be brought down with this method, too. A stick in forest and fields, I mean a real wooden staff, not some nordic-walking-overpriced-designer-junk-for-stupid-cattle, can help to keep balance in difficult terrain and fend off dangerous dogs and other animaly. A weapon for experts is a rapier stick, inconspicious and helpful when you don't need it and deadly in trained hands.

Sticker, yellow
Quick and cheap way to inactivate miniature video cameras temporarily, like these which can be found in door spies and train wagons.

Probably the most dangerous form of Deception. See Tachistoscopy.

Cause and consequence of all evil in the world.

Freedom or death? Suicide is the best and most permanent antidote to imprisonment, torture, humiliation, disease, poverty, dependence, mental degeneration and depression. But it should not be given without a reason. Like Gandhi said, "they" have left only the corpse, but not the obedience! Here you can show creativity, the most common methods are Poison and Weapons. Warning: I am freedom fighter, no terrorist and also condemn all capital crimes. The use of violence, even against yourself, can be morally justified only in cases of self-defense.

Sunglasses, peril-o-sensitive
Dark colored glasses can contribute to block weak optical Subliminals, like water marks in advertisement signs. They also help to keep the eyes straight and reduce manipulations by peripheral view. Another big advantage is that they give anonymity and make recognition with video cameras and facial scan devices much harder.

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